Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Summer holiday...

I will be on vacation for the next days and hope you have a wonderful hypnotic time without my posts... Maybe I will find some time to write new stories or do new photo manipulations. But for now I am gonna leave you with this beautiful hypnotist... Just look at her crystal and listen... you will hear her voice and she will guide you into a peaceful, relaxing, joyful trance... CU!

Monday, July 30, 2012

500 lbs heavyweight... (english version of my hypnosis roundtable experience)

I believe the title is a bit confusing and it does not sound like a story about a relaxing hypnosis session, but I think that it is something many attendees do remember about me that evening. I will not forget it… for sure!

But step by step: I arrived a few minutes before 7 pm as one of the first visitors of this hypnosis round table at the Fetisch-X-Club. I was pretty nervous, because it was not only my first meeting with other people who are interested in hypnosis, but it was the first visit of a BDSM club ...maybe not my last one!

The receptionist was very kind and he explained the special rules for the venue and this event. There is no admission fee but a minimum consumption of 7 Euro and I received a paper card with the prepaid amount on it. I ordered my first coke and watched more and more people coming to the venue. I was introduced to the organizer and he told me that it seems to be an exceptionally well visited event and that I was not the only newbie. To be honest that did not really make it easier for me, because I still felt kind of insecure being surrounded by people who know each other or the other newbies who were accompanied by a friend.

We brought in some more chairs and the organizer started with the first induction. He set three triggers to a girl he seemed to have hypnotized already in the past. Beside the "Sleep" trigger to put her back into trance again and again, her hands were tied on her breast by the word “bound” and as the erotic highlight she felt a sex toy between her legs when he touches his chin. He also told her that this feeling would be more intense when he touches his ear and she will be released when he touches his nose.

After that demonstration one guy who was part of a group hypnotized another curious guy who wanted to know how it feels like to be in a trance. I was a very silent and relaxing atmosphere during the session and everyone followed it very carefully.

I started a conversation with a couple after a short break. The male part, who made some good statements and advices during the session before, was a certified hypnotist and does some stage hypnosis shows. During our conversation he put his girlfriend in trance again and again and I asked what it felt like. Both answered that I should try it and I agreed to be hypnotized.

To get straight to the point: it was amazing, but not what I expected. He asked me to hold my fingertips together and to look at them. He took my arm and led it to a position with the fingers above my head. I stared at my fingers and he suggested that my hand will come closer and closer to my face. And the closer the fingers came the more relaxed I would be, what really happened. As the fingers touched my forehead, I let all just happened and followed his instructions. It was liberating, relaxing and just fun. First my arm was stiff, then incredible heavy and he made me forgetting my own name, that I could not say although I saw it on my ID. The highlight was letting me think to be more than 500 lbs heavy and making me walk around two meters… the hardest 2 meters I do remember!

After the session another guest was hypnotized by this skilled hypnotist and I watched it even  more fascinated and interested.

I talked to other people who attended this event and they seem to be very familiar with all the other guests and very much into BDSM. And that was something really special for me, because I felt really near to all these people. One of them told me, after I explained that BDSM was absolutely new to me, his attitude and something about his experiences and how strong emotion and trust is in this scene.

And here is my problem. At the end of the day I have to say that I could or should not follow this path, because I know that my partner will not have any understanding for it. And as I am not only a loving husband but also loving a father, I should slow down my passion…

PS: I hope you got an impression about my experience… even though I wrote it in my very limited English!

Friday, July 27, 2012

300 kg Schwergewicht... (Erfahrungsbericht)

Ich denke mal, dass man bei der Überschrift nicht wirklich an eine entspannte Hypnose denkt und dennoch ist es das, was vermutlich an dem Abend bei den Anwesenden über mich hängengeblieben sein dürfte. Ich jedenfalls werde das nicht so schnell vergessen.

Aber der Reihe nach: Ich traf um kurz vor 19 Uhr als einer der ersten Besucher des Hypnosetreffs im Fetisch-X-Club ein. Ich war ziemlich aufgeregt, weil es ja nicht nur mein erster Treff mit anderen Hypnoseinterssierten sein sollte, sondern weil es auch mein erster und wahrscheinlich nicht letzter Besuch in einem SM-Club sein sollte.

Der Empfang war freundlich und ich habe mir meine schnell meine erste Cola auf meine Verzehrkarte gegönnt. Die Preise (2 Euro / Cola) sind super - finde ich - wenn man bedenkt, was man geboten bekommt. Die Location füllte sich so langsam und ich machte Bekanntschaft mit dem Organisator des Stammtisches. Es stellte sich heraus, dass der Abend offenbar ungewöhnlich gut besucht sein sollte und ich nicht der einzige Neuling oder Unbekannte dort war, was mir meine Unsicherheit trotzdem nicht wirklich nahm. Ich weiß nicht, wie ich auf die anderen Besucher gewirkt habe, aber es war schon ein komisches Gefühl von vielen Leuten umgeben zu sein, die sich entweder schon lange kannten oder eben nicht alleine da waren.

Der Organisator fing, nachdem ein paar Stühle hinzugeholt wurden, mit der ersten Induktion an und setzte drei Trigger bei einer Probantin, die er schon mehrfach hypnotisiert hatte. Neben dem Schlaftrigger verschaffte er ihr das Vergnügen auf das Wort "Bound" die Hände wie festgeschnürt zusammen lassen zu müssen und als erotische Komponente beim Berühren seines Kinns die Berührungen eines Vibrators in ihrem Schoß zu spüren... diesen Trigger konnte er verstärken, in dem er sein Ohr berührte und bei der Berührung seiner Nase wieder lösen!

Anschließend übernahm ein anderer Teilnehmer einer anwesenden Gruppe "die Show" und versetzte einen Besucher, der unbedingt einmal das Gefühl der Trance kennenlernen wollte, in selbige. Es war eine sehr entspannte und ruhige Session, der alle sehr aufmerksam folgten.

Nach einer kleinen Pause kam ich ins Gespräch mit einem Paar, bei dem der männliche Part sehr viel zur vorherigen Session beisteuerte und sich als professioneller Hypnotiseur mit eigener Praxis und einem Faible für Showhypnose outete. Während des Gesprächs versetzte er seine Partnerin immer wieder in Trance und auf meine Frage, wie sich das für sie anfühlte, entwickelte sich, dass ich es doch auch einmal erfahren könne!

Um das Vorweg zu nehmen: ES WAR KLASSE, aber anders als ich es mir vorgestellt habe... er bat mich die Fingerspitzen der rechten Hand zusammenzunehmen und führte meine Hand über meinen Kopf. Ich starrte auf meine Hand und er suggerierte, dass sie immer näher käme und ich immer entspannter würde, was auch geschah... als dann die Finger meine Stirn berührten, ließ ich einfach alles geschehen... Ich ließ ihn machen und folgte einfach seinen Anweisungen. Es war ein befreiendes Gefühl und es machte Spaß. Mein Arm wurde zuerst ganz steif, dann unheimlich schwer und dann vergaß ich für kurze Zeit meinen Namen... den ich selbst mit Hilfe meines Personalausweises nicht aussprechen konnte. Als Höhepunkt und Abschluss ließ er mich noch 300 kg schwer werden und bat mich ca. zwei Meter zu laufen... die schwersten 2 Meter an die ich mich erinnern kann!

Nach der Auflösung durfte ein weiterer Gast seine Fähigkeiten erleben und ich beobachtete interessiert und kam auch mit anderen Anwesenden mehr ins Gespräch.

Und das war eigentlich das Besondere an diesem Abend. Ich fühlte mich richtig wohl zwischen all diesen fremden Leuten. Die Atmosphäre war vertraut und familiär. Ein Besucher erzählte mir, nachdem er erfuhr, dass das für mich absolutes Neuland war, Einiges über SM und die Mitglieder des Clubs, was mich sehr bewegt hat, denn es ist offenbar so viel Vertrauen und Emotion in der Szene vorhanden, welches ich noch nie so gespürt habe.

Damit bin ich aber auch schon bei meinem "Problem", denn ich kann eigentlich nicht wirklich dieser Szene folgen, weil ich völlig in ihr aufgehen würde und damit in eine Richtung gehen würde, die meine Partnerin nie mitgehen wird. Da ich aber ja nicht nur eine Partnerin habe, sondern auch Kinder, werde ich meine aufkommende Leidenschaft wohl ausbremsen müssen, ohne dass ich es wirklich mal ausgekostet habe!

Trotzdem muss ich sagen, dass es eine herausragende Erfahrung war, die ich nicht missen möchte und vermutlich auch noch einmal wiederholen werde... Ich danke allen, die diesen Abend für mich so besonders gemacht haben!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Heute abend... / Tonight...

Hypnosetreff NRW 

Ich bin sehr gespannt, wie es sein wird... ob ich mich vielleicht sogar hypnotisieren lasse?! Mal sehen... ich werde hier berichten!

I am really excited how it will be... maybe I will be hypnotized?! Let's see... I will report what happened!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"Hypno" Chat... Example!

This is a little excerpt of one fantasy role play chat I had with my penpal from France. I hope this explains how exciting those chats have been... Lisa is playing herself and Valeria and I play myself. The trigger "HARD" really works ;-)


Lisa says:
Valeria looks into Lisa's eyes directly... Concentrating.. she knows Lisa would be a perfect hypnotic subject

Gerry says :
"There are so many things we have to show her..."
"But she has to relax more and I think you can show her how"

Lisa . says :
Valeria turn around the chairs
To face both of you....
"She is not the only one who need to relax...."
"I'm sure you need to relaxxxxxx too....."
I gaze deeply into your eyes

Gerry says :
"What?... Val... I am..."

Lisa . says :
You see my eyes like changing color to become like gold
"Yes.... Dear...? you are....? tell me...."

Gerry says :
I am fascinated...
"... don't know... you look so... I am tired..."

Lisa . says :
"Don't you like to feel my power over you....?"

Gerry says :

Lisa . says :
I begin to play now with my hands and nails...
Making them passing between our eyes....
"The weather is so good... the moment so enjoyable... Relax...."

Gerry says :
I look at Valeria and my eyes are following the movements of her hands"

Lisa . says :
"That's it.... I know you like to follow my instructions... So relaxing
"so good..."
"Resssst for me... relaxxxxxxxx"
"You like it and I know it make you HARD"
My hands now go down over my body....
In front of my breasts... mu belly....

Gerry says :
(ok ... this story becomes very realistic)

Lisa . says :
"Look the chain.... "

Gerry says :
"Relaxed... yes"

Lisa . says :
"Look at it...."
"This chain is like a bound to your mind now... Your mind it now tied to mine..."
"So there is just one mind : my mind....."

Gerry says :
"Tied to your mind"
"Your mind"

Lisa . says :
Good Boy....
"I place one hand on your forhead...."
You still ook the chain...
"And my mind want you HARD...."
My hand still on your forehead
I feel you don't really resist as I feel you let you head fall into my hand
I play a little moment
with your head

Gerry says :
It feels so good

Lisa . says :
"And.... SLEEP....."

Gerry says :
(It is difficult NOT to follow this command!)

Lisa . says :
you prefer ... HARD....?
Your body instanly fall into the chair
And I smile to Lisa....

Gerry says :
At the beach: I fall asleep... (and I react on your trigger here, too)

Lisa . says :
"You see... What you thinked about vampires is sometimes true.... But trust me... you couls have done the same..."
"Do you see how much I control him....?"
"How HARD he is....?"
Lisa is just eyes wide open
"He is so HARD....."

Gerry says :
I am in a deep trance and my body is reacting on any command!
(I had to touch my cock...)

Lisa . says :
"I don't know well how much you know him Lisa... But I'm sure you don't control him like this...."
"CALM DOWN... And go SOFT...."
I smile as I see your eraction vanishing
"Lisa.... Put your hand on his cock...."
You feel now my hand on your cock...
"That's it Lisa..."

Gerry says :
Oh my god... that feels good!

Lisa . says :
You feel that I try to making tiny moves... To excite you....
Valeria : "Hehe... I was sure you would try it.... But trust me... I control him...."
Valeria : "Holger.... ?"

Gerry says :
I feel her hands and it feels good, but my cock stays soft...

Lisa . says :
"Lisa will now be able to use your triggers....But only for this moment..."
"Do you understand...?"

Gerry says :
"Yes... I understand"

Lisa . says :
"Lisa look into my eyes...."
Once again Valeria catches Lisa's eyes... And she feel how much she is excited.. And a good choice for the circle
"Youare now in control of him.... But each time you will use the trigger word you will feel more and more in my power.... Until when you will have say it 7 times... You will feel deep assleep into my power.... Do you understand....?"
I'm still totally awake and looking into Valeria's eyes... My hand on your cock....
"Yes.... I understand... Good Girl...."
(Sorry... Confusion between roles)
Valeria smiles to Lisa.....

Gerry says :
(This is so hot... I am so horny, Lisa... I have to tell you)

Lisa . says :
And don't say one more word.....
She just look deeply into her eyes....
And Lisa is fascinated.....
Valeria and Me are looking into each other eyes so deeply....
And I touch your cock
And say "HARD......"
Instantly I begin to feel your reaction under my hand.....
Still totally focused on Varia's eyes....

Gerry says :
And I follow your command... my cock grows harder and harder!

Lisa . says :
It's so amazing to feel your physical reaction to just a simple word...
That I don't realize I begin to feel more and more sleepy
Valeria is just focusing deeply into my eyes
And she smiles to me
Her eyes are like suns.... Gold

Monday, July 23, 2012

Joyclub... Hypnose Gruppe

So, dann bin ich jetzt auch im Joyclub und hoffe in der "Hypnose-Gruppe" ein paar Leute zu finden, die meinen Fetisch teilen!
Finally I am member in a german erotic community called Joyclub and I hope to find some guys in a special "Hypnosis group" with the same kind of hypnofetish!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Zurück in der Heimat...

... natürlich nur rein bildlich bzw. virtuell gesprochen, denn was mich angeht, war ich zwar im April noch in den USA, aber ich möchte mich einfach auch im Bezug auf erotische Hypnose mehr in Deutschland umschauen. Dazu habe ich mich nun einmal mit einem Club in Verbindung gesetzt, der einen Hypnosestammtisch anbietet und selbst der Fetischszene angehört. Ich hoffe, dass ich da eine positive Antwort erhalte und dann auch einmal persönlich Leute kennenlerne, die Spaß an der erotischen Hypnose haben.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New links...


Only a short update but I think I should point out that I removed and added some links. Please check all the nice sites! I deleted Inraptured because of warnings but it seems to be ok again.

Please note also that I am not responsible for the content of the sites and it is your own decision if you click on them... so enjoy what you find there and play safe!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Some thoughts...

It is now more than two weeks ago when I decided to become more active in the (online) hypno fetish community and there are some thoughts coming up which I would like to share.

First of all I have to explain why I write in English and not in my own language. It is due to the fact that the german hypno fetish scene is really small and this kind of "passion" is not very popular. On the other hand there is a strong attitude that hypnosis is no erotic thing. It may be good to work with it on medical and psychological topics but not "for fun"... and as a "sexual thing"? - NO WAY!

So, I searched in the internet for communities, groups or people with the words erotic hypnosis and hypno fetish. Of course the online communities, like inraptured and hypno-fetish.com were the first ones I checked out, but the most influencing site was the blog of sleepingirl.

What she describes and the resources (websites, people, communities) she presents in her blog entries are overwhelming, because it is exactly how I feel and what I would like to experience. 

My first reaction was to get rid off my own shyness and get in touch with people in the different communities. I found some really nice people until now, but I also found out that especially the time difference is a real problem, because I can only communicate (chat, messenger,...) when I am alone, because my wife does not know anything about my fetish (while I know she would not understand it)!

So, I started to express myself in pictures (photo manipulations) and short stories. I wrote some stories more than five years ago and kind of came back to this, because I really enjoy those fantasies.

But today I just feel kind of lost... between my passion, my fantasies and the reality.

I hope this is just a temporary emotion like this strange summer which is not really a summer, when you see the weather here. Do you know what I mean?!

Anyway, I just wanted to point out this and hope it is ok!?

Keep on visiting my blog and I will share what happens to me ...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012