Friday, March 22, 2013

How I wish I could have been there...NEEHU4

This really seems to be the best conference about erotic hypnosis on the planet.

The first time I heard/read about it was last year on the website and I got more and more curious about it.

Here are some good impressions about this year's event:

NEEHU4_Reviews by Marc Cabot!

Sleepingirl was there, too ;-)

I hope I can find a way to make it next time... but it is a huge distance from Dortmund to Hartford...

Anyway... here is the link of the convention:

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sue Chan's Hypno Site... I (still) love it!

Call me childish, but I still love this site and the pictures of Sue Chan. Her work was one of those things that made my fantasies come more and more intense...